Chanukah Mnemonics
"One gold ladle of ten (shekels) filled with incense..." (Bamidbar
7:14 Torah Reading on Chanukah)
During the entire Yom Tov of Chanukah, we read each morning about the
offerings the Nesi'im brought to the dedication of the Mishkan. Among
the donated items was "One golden spoon full of incense." These words
are acronyms which allude to the basic laws of Chanukah.
Kaf - a spoon = Kaf Pachos - The Menorah should be lower than 20
cubits above the ground.
Achas - Alef-Ches Tadlik - starting with one and increase to eight.
Asrah - Ad Shetichle Regel min Hashuk - It may be lit until people
stop walking the streets.
Zahav - Zemana bein Hashmashot - Lighting time starts at twilight.
Mlei'ah - Mitzvah L'haniach Etzel Hapesach - It should be placed near
the entrance door.
Ketores - Karov Tefach Rochav Tadlik - Within a hand breadth of the
width of the door, kindle.